The Roger Sarnt Podcast
Hi! I am SFC Saeed Cruz, your host for The Roger Sar'nt Podcast! I am a 17 year Active Duty Soldier starting a journey to educate all new recruited and current Soldiers on U.S. Army policies, regulations, standard operating procedures, lifestyle, journey and what it means to be a U.S. Army Soldier. The platform is not limited to those in the Army, it can serve to educate those who have family members that are interested in joining. This way, you can have enough information to make what is going to be one of the most important decisions of your life. Thanks for listening and look forward to hearing from all of you.
Remember, you don't have to embrace the suck, if you have the right tools in your ruck!
Have any question comments, or ideas for the show? You can send them to my gmail account: rogersarnt@gmail.com
Follow the show on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and here is my linktree:
IG: @roger_sarnt
Facebook: @rogersarnt
TikTok: @rogersarnt
The Roger Sarnt Podcast
Episode 35 - One Step Closer to Junior Troops Getting the 19.5% Pay Increase
In this episode, we discuss the article from Military.com, dated May 23, 2024. It reports a significant development regarding the pay raise for junior enlisted troops, as approved by a House panel. The headline boldly announces a 19.5% pay increase for these essential members of the armed forces, a move poised to impact the lives of many service personnel and their families.
I dive into the specifics of this decision, highlighting that the House panel has greenlit the substantial pay raise, recognizing the invaluable contributions and sacrifices made by junior enlisted troops. This raise isn't merely a minor adjustment but rather a substantial increase that underscores the government's commitment to supporting those who serve on the front lines.
I then outlines the implications of this decision, emphasizing how such a raise will positively affect the lives of our enlisted personnel. I point out how a boost in compensation addresses concerns about financial stability and helps alleviate some of the burdens faced by our junior soldiers and their families.
Let's not overlook how the article may provide context about the broader discussions and debates surrounding military pay and benefits. Which can impact some factors influencing these decisions, like budgetary considerations, recruitment and retention efforts, and the overall welfare of the armed forces.
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Remember, you don't have to embrace the suck, if you have the right tools in your ruck!
If you have any question comments, or ideas for the show you can send them to my Gmail account: rogersarnt@gmail.com
Follow the show on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and Discord:
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